Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dishcloths, an ON TIME wedding present!

Made a wedding present for some friends. This is from way back in June so the blog post is way behind, but the present was finished on time! Just barely though, so I wound up taking pictures on the seat of my car before I stuffed it all in the gift bag and walked into the wedding (seriously).

Four ballband dishcloths! I feel like Kay!

The bride loves pink, what can I say?

I threw in a matching hanging hand towel on a whim cause I was so ahead of schedule. And I had enough yarn leftover.

I did the patchwork looking checkerboard stockinette/reverse stockinette thing. I liked it a lot and I'm thinking of using for a blanket I'm (planning to start) making for another friend's wedding present.

I think the little set turned out cute =) I hope they like it too.

And my crappy camera takes crappy pictures of people and dancing, but look at the nice shot of the place setting. Sadly I forgot to take my tiny pink bucket full of pink candy with me.

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